These are the modifications, if you want to call them that, that I have made on my car. They are few but they are a begining.

In the spring of 1999 I added Cragar Wide 5 Spoke Rims to the car. I thought that it would help dress the car up and make a little different from the 3 thousand other berettas I see around everyday. I didn't think that chrome would look good on the car because there is no chrome on the car. But after seeing other Beretta owners wheels I started looking for new rims.

In June I decided to add Ventshades ventvisors for the doors. I like them a lot and I highly recomend them. They reduce wind noise and they let you get fresh air into the car in pretty much any weather condition.

Another addition I made to the car was GTS Headlight Cover (smoke). I think they add a lot to the car and I love them.

I also have two stickers on the car. Nothing special really. One is the NIN Box, because they are my favorite band. And the other is of the school that I go to, Binghamton University.

Finally, the wierdest, but favorite thing, that I have done to the car is on the stearing wheel. I painted the horn symbols. Odd? Yes it is but I like it. I just thought it would look neat and I must say that I think I was right.

Stay tuned because there will be more comming in the future.
